Face Mask Video


Hi guys,


Are you making face masks for the healthcare pros who are taking care of us?  or the cleaning ands security crews at the hospitals?  or maybe for your local grocery workers? Well, Great!!

I have been inspired by the pattern made by jessica.nandino for Instructables.com . You can find her excellent pattern and tutorial here:


I worked out a pattern  based on hers and  developed a procedure for myself in order to speed up my productivity and have been making them “factory  style” in batches of 12 -15 at a time.  That seems to be my speed.

Here is a video that I put together to illustrate my “No Pin Method”  (I use not pins at all!), Check it out .


Here is a shortened version illustrating how to sew the  top and bottom binding/ties:

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Please note, that this mask is not intended to replace an N95 PPE, but it fits nicely over one and can be laundered.   I am using 2 layers of tightly woven 100% cotton fabric, with the lining fabric of a different color than the outer fabric.

I hope that you will consider sewing some for you family and maybe a few more to help your neighbors and friends.

Stay healthy my dears!

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